1st SICCR regional Congress Emilia Romagna: Rectal costiveness- serious faecal incontinence.
24th February 2007, Modena

Sends you a last farewell to Gianfranco Molinari
On the morning of 23rd January, passed away Gianfranco Molinari, appraised and unforgettable colorectal surgeon from Brescia, a member of our society for decades, former delegate of the region of Lombardia, organiser and chairman of numerous conferences.
His death leaves a gap that cannot be filled and a profound bitterness in all those who had the pleasure of knowing him and appreciating his professionalism ...

Subscription to Diseases of the Colon and Rectum
This year too, SICCR members are offered the opprtunity of taking out a subscription to Diseases of the Colon and Rectum at a discount price of 110 euro.
If you wish to take advantage of this offer, you may do so by sending an email to
Marina Fiorino
Below you will find the different modes of payment of the subscription fee:
- Bank transfer in the name of Società Italiana di Chirurgia Colo- rettale on the giro number 2409 (ABI 06160 - CAB 66750 - CIN P) at the Bank CR Firenze Spa Division CR. Mirandola - Via Matteoti 2, 41034 Finale Emilia (MO) - indicate in the payment description: renewal of fee 2007.
- Bank draft or giro non transferable in the name of Società Italiana di Chirurgia Colo-rettale, sent to Dr. Marina Fiorino, Via Val Maggia 146, 000141 Roma.

New study case edited by Doctors Boffi and Pescatori:
  • Complex perianal fistula complessa

  • Let us remind visitors of our web site that in order to speed up research they can make use of the key 'Search' placed on the top right of both the homepage and the internal pages of the site.

    Sat 3rd: Genova, 2nd Regional SICCR Congress - Acute Colorectal Haemorrhages: Old queries and new strategies.
    Sat 10th: Mestre (VE), 2nd Congress – Planet Incontinence: Year one.
    Sat 24th: Modena, Ist Regional SICCR Congress Emilia Romagna: Rectal costiveness – Serious faecal incontinence.


    23rd – 24th April 2007, Roma

    NOTICE: The XIth International congress 'XI - Update on imaging and management of pelvic floor disorders' of 22nd March owing to the freeze of AssoMedica and Farmindustria sponsorships, has been postponed for a year; while the course 'Update on Imaging and Management of Pelvic Floor Disorders - Pre-Meeting Course Endoanal and Endorectal Ultrasound X Corse' of the 19th – 21st March will take place regularly at Treviso.

    SICCR: National Spring Meeting 2007
    23rd – 24th April 2007, Roma

    For information apply to the secretary of the SICCR presidency:

    Dr. Marina Fiorino
    cell. 338.2813863;
    e-mail: presidenza@siccr.org - marinafiorino@libero.it

    Comments & Suggestions * Access to the sections marked by an asterisk, is allowed only to members subscribed to the SICCR site; to consult them from the newsletter, it is necessary to login into the web site with your username and password.
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