2° Congresso Nazionale SICCR
Verona, 2007 15th – 17th October
Call for Abstracts - Deadline 2007 31rd July


Dear SICCR members,
the time is near for the next Biannual SICCR convention in Verona on the 14th and 17th of October 2007. It's the most important scientific meeting of the society, in which, next to the usual professional update and scientific confrontation of each of our meetings, the elections for the renewal of the managerial positions will also take place.
As you already know the convention will take place at the same time as the one of the mother society, the SIC.
It's a prestigious opportunity and of implicit acknowledgment of our specialty, although some expectations have been left partially unattended.
The elections...


06 – 08, Mondello: Updated on Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions.
12 – 14, Roma: Gestione Terapeutica del Paziente con Disturbi Cronici Gastrointestinali.
16 – 18, Roma: 4th Probiotics, Prebiotics & New Food joing with XXX International Congress on Microbial Ecology and Disease (SOMED).
16 – 18, Roma: XXX International Congress on Microbial ecology and Disease.
21 – 22, Milano: Iter Diagnostici Integrati nella Patologia Disfunzionale Pelvi-Perineale.
26 – 29, Malta: ESCP: 2nd Annual Meeting.
26 – 29, Varese: IISS: Colorectal Cancer - Biology, Diagnosis and Therapy.
27 – 28, Roma: 18° Congresso di Chirurgia dell'Apparato Digerente.

Theoretical-Practical Refresher Course in Colonproctology for General Practitioners.
Genova, 2007 15th September
Cagliari, 2007 22th September

For information apply to the secretary of the SICCR presidency:

Dr. Marina Fiorino
cell. 338.2813863
e-mail: presidenza@siccr.org - marinafiorino@libero.it

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