Workshop: Multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of the carcinoma of the medium and low rectum.
23rd November 2006, Avellino


- Colorectal Disease
- British Journal of Surgery
- International Journal of Colorectal Disease


New case studies edited by Prof. Donato Altomare:
  • Desmoid of the abdominal wall


    II Level University Master Degree in Colorectal Surgery.
    Academic year 2006-2007

    Expiry date of application: 31th October 2006


    Wed. 25th – Sat. 28th: Treviso, Pain of the pelvis and the anus perineum.


    Mer 25 – Dom 29: Pattaya (Thailand), 35th World Congress of the International College of Surgeons (ICS).


    Gio 2 – Sab 4: Bordeaux (France), 14th International Laparoscopic Surgery Symposium S.F.C.E. 2006 Meeting Cancer & Laparoscopy - Updates & Classics.
    Mer 8 – Ven 10: Treviso, IX Corso Residenziale Teorico-Pratico di Ecografia Endoanale ed Endorettale - Corso Avanzato di II Livello.
    Gio 9 – Ven 10: Padova, V Congresso Nazionale A.I.F.E.G.
    Gio 23: Avellino, Workshop: Multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of the carcinoma of the medium and low rectum.
    Ven 24: Mestre (VE), Highlights nella Chirurgia del Pavimento Pelvico.
    Mer 29 – Sab 2: Roma, 20th World Congress of ISDS.


    In the perspective of promoting the vocational training of young surgeons, the next SICCR congress (National Spring Congress 2007) that will take place in Rome on the 23rd and 24th April 2007, other than foreseeing entire sessions managed by young doctors, foresees a session of live surgery in which young surgeons will be assisted by some of the well known international colorectal surgeons to carry out important colon proctologic operations. The pathologies that will be dealt with are (except in the case of patients’ unwillingness) external prolapse of the rectum, complex perineal fistulas, cancer of the colon, or the rectum in laparoscopy, (probably hand assisted), total proctocolectomy with ileum pouch for ulcerative colitis. It is advised that surgeons neither be novices nor experts in the mentioned pathologies. The maximum age of participants should be 45. Therefore we kindly invite all doctors who would like to undertake this demanding type of surgery to send within the 30th November 2006
    1. their candidature indicating the chosen pathology;
    2. a summary of their curricula, with personal data;
    3. their experience of colorectal surgery as first surgeons

    Candidatures will be judged by the Directive Council of SICCR and replies will be sent within January 2007.

    SICCR: National Congress of Spring 2007.
    23 – 24 April 2007, Roma

    Call for Abstract: 30 November 2006

    For information apply to the secretary of the SICCR presidency:

    Dr. Marina Fiorino
    cell. 338.2813863;
    e-mail: -
    Comments & Suggestions
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