Dr.Maurizio Maggiorotti, President of A.M.A.M.I & Prof. Giovanni Romano, President of SICCR.

Some contacts have been set up between Dr. Maggiorotti, President AMAMI and the Directive council SICCR with the intention of contributing to limit legal medical action when it is considered unreal and unfair, and to streamline the procedures of the latter.
With this objective in mind, the SICCR will undertake the policy of formulating some guidelines with the aim of drafting adequate reformed consents and the realization of correct medical information, which will be able to distinguish miracle-working publicity from real scientific and technological progress.

Mortality due to tumour on the decrease. According to a report by ISTAT, presented to the Health Minister, mortality due to tumours, in Italy is decreasing by 2% a year.


Prof. Koutarou Maeda
Carcinoid tumor in the rectum.

The winners of the Podium Presentation and of the Poster Presentation, presented at the national congress SICCR, last September at Bologna are:

    - Transverse coloplasty pouch after anterior resection of the rectum: prospective clinical and functional study

    Authors: D. Donati, D. Segre, F. Borghi
    - Radiofrequency treatment for anal incontinence
    Authors: E. Melega, A. Masin, G. Dodi, D. Nitti

    - Methylene blue anal tattooing for chronic intractable pruritus ani

    Authors: F.Marino, M. Rinaldi, Lobascio PL., Troilo VL., Stasolla S., Altomare D.F.
    - Rectocele repair with biologic mesh
    Authors: C. Elbetti, D. Granchi Zanieri; R. Migliari, R. Gattai ; C. Fucini


    Dom 9 – Mer 12: Cagliari, 107° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Chirurgia.
    * Mer 12 – Gio 13: Firenze, Corso UCP Training: Manometria Anorettale e Riabilitazione dei Disordini della Defecazione.
    Mer 12 – Gio 13: Novara, Corso di Aggiornamento: Fistole Perianali Complesse.
    Lun 24 – Mar 25: Orbassano (Torino), 4° Corso di Rieducazione non Strumentale del Perineo.

    * Mar 25: Sacile (Pordenone), Seminario di formazione: conoscere e prendersi cura della persona con stomia.
    Mer 26 – Sab 29: Orvieto, XXIX Congresso Nazionale S.I.U.D.
    Gio 27 – Ven 28: Milano, Corsi di Chirurgia Laparoscopica Avanzata 2005 Videochirurgia in Diretta: Introduzione Pratica alla Chirurgia Laparoscopica Avanzata.

    * Gio 27 – Ven 28: Milano, 5° Corso di Colo-proctologia.

    Gio 27 – Sab 29: Parigi, SFCE 2005 MEETING: Basic & Advanced Laparascopic Procedures Symposium International de Chirurgie Laparoscopique.

    * Sponsors/events SICCR


    12 - 13 October: Florence, Anorectal manometry and rehabilitation of the disorders of defecation.
    Director of the course Prof. Filippo Pucciani.

    The theoretical-practical course “Surgical approach to rectocele and Intussusception of Rectal-distal rectum” (10 credits ECM) held at san Vito al Tagliamento 29th-30th September, coordinator Prof. A. Infantino, has just ended.
    The course saw the participation of four doctors who passed the final exam.

    We would like to thank all those who have contributed to improving the SICCR site. We invite all users to continue their collaboration in order to improve the services that already exist or to propose new ones, Furthermore to indicate new interesting initiatives or to write their own comments and considerations on the treated topics. You can do this simply by clicking on the words Comments & suggestions as follows (see blue line).

    From the menu of useful services, LINKS windows, the link of A.M.A.M.I. (Associazione Medici Accusati di Malpractice Ingiustamente) has been added internally to the section Medical information. This association was founded to check unjust declarations at the expense of doctors.

    For information apply to the secretary of the SICCR presidency:

    Dr. Marina Fiorino
    cell. 338.2813863;
    e-mail: presidenza@siccr.org - marinafiorino@libero.it
    Comments & Suggestions
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