The Italian Society of Colo-Rectal Surgery welcome the new members: Ignazio Ammatuna, Demetrio Baldo, Federico Berni, Alessandro Fasciani, Antonio Giuliani, Elena Mami, Ambrogio Orlando, Luca Panier Suffat, Angelo Pelloni, Antonio Mario Scanu.


2nd Coloproctology Training Course - 2008
The second Coloproctology Training Course promoted by the Eporediensis Colorectal Centre and SICCR under scientific management by Professor John Nicholls was completed December last...


Risultati Questionario gradimento riviste online
The aim of this questionnaire, promoted by the committee responsible for communication was to get to know the members’ opinions on the possibility of consulting online the most important journals of colon proctology and the availability to offer a financial contribution because the costs of such a service results to be quite high...


Imaging Atlas of the Pelvic Floor and Anorectal Diseases by M Pescatori - Exciting technical advances in US, CT, and MRI over the past decade have greatly enhanced the challenging task of investigating intestinal, pelvic floor, and anorectal function and dysfunction...


* 28th January 2009, Roma: Imaging Integrato delle malattie infiammatorie intestinali (IBD)
* 30th January 2009, San Vito al Tagliamento (PN): Tumori Neuroendocrini Gastrointestinali
* 30th January 2009, Torino: Journal Club di Coloproctologia


02th - 05th Febbrary 2009, Ginevra: 13th Annual Course in Proctology
06th Febbrary 2009, Ginevra 12th Postgraduate Training Day: Perineal Pain
* 07th Febbrary 2009, S. Vito al Tagliamento: Incontro di Aggiornamento in Colon-Proctologia Benigna
27th - 28th Febbrary 2009, Padova 3° Corso di Urologia Funzionale: I Risultati Funzionali della Chirurgia Genito-Urinaria e del Pavimento Pelvico

* SICCR Organized/Supported Events


28th Febbrary 2009: Roma
4th International Congress on Endometriosis
15th June 2009: Catania
SICCR: 3° Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Chirurgia Colo-Rettale

31th August 2009:Guangzhou/Canton, China
ECTA - 1st Biennal Meeting: New technologies in colorectal surgery

3rd Educational Course in Colonproctology

Vercelli, March - December 2009
Clinica S. Rita

We would like to remind to members your annual Siccr subscription for 2009.
The fee is 75 euros for doctors under 35 years of age 100 euros for doctors over 35 years of age. Please give description of payment:
- C/C 2409
- IBAN IT46 P061 6066 7500 0000 2409 C00 - Banca CR Firenze Divisione CR Mirandola, Filiale di Finale Emilia

For information apply to the secretary of the SICCR presidency:

Dr. Marina Fiorino
cell. 338.2813863
e-mail: -

Comments & Suggestions
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