Nationwide GISMAD census of centres that deal with digestive motility

Bearing in mind the recent spread of new diagnostic technologies and the need of a greater coordination among the various specialized fields, we have considered it appropriate to plan a nationwide census of these centres that deal with digestive motility (After the census of the year 2000).
We hope to gather from the data obtained, hints and indications for possible future projects dedicated to science and epidemiology.
The census promoted by GISMAD (Italian group for the study of digestive motility) is addressed to all gastroenterologists, surgeons and paediatricians, who regardless of their role in our society, are particularly interested in this subject.
On the web site (Italian centres for digestive motility) it is possible to insert online data regarding the individual centres.
Owing to the fact that we are not aware of how many centres specialized in colon proctology are concerned with this problem, we kindly ask you to pass on this information to your members, in order to register all centres adequately.

Dr Paolo Usai Satta
National Adviser GISMAD
Census Coordinator

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