BECA A -COVIDIEN: The European Coloproctology Fellowship 2013

Valencia, Spain
COVIDIEN in collaboration with the Spanish Society of Coloproctology (FAECP), the Surgical Department of the University of Valencia and the Medical Research Institute La Fe are pleased to announce a one-year Colorectal Fellowship, commencing October 2013.
In collaboration with the Units of Coloproctology of the Departments of General and Digestive Surgery of Hospital Universitario y Politecnico La Fe and Consorcio Hospital General. Valencia. Spain.

The program has been established to promote excellence in colorectal surgery in Europe. The successful candidate will work for a one- year period (October 1st, 2013- September 30 th, 2014) under the supervision of Prof E. Garcia-Granero, Director of the Fellowship Program. The clinical activity will take place at the Units of Coloproctology of the Departments of General and Digestive Surgery of two prestigious Hospitals in Valencia, Spain: Hospital Universitario y Politecnico La Fe (Dr. M. De Juan) and Consorcio Hospital General (Dr. J.V. Roig).

The Coloproctology team has earned an international reputation for colorectal procedures and offers state of the art equipment in addition to a dedicated training facility. The applicants should be EU citizens and should already have finished their General Surgery training. Applications should be presented by July 30th, 2013.

Activities to be carried out during the program: clinical activities as a specialist doctor tutored by the unit staff, with a minimum number of procedures which the Subspecialist in Coloproctology scholar must perform, participation in the educational activities of the units(courses and meetings), incorporation into research projects, presentation of abstracts at the ReuniOn Anual de la AsociaciOn Espanola de Coloproctologra, Congreso/ReuniOn de la Asociacion Espanola de Cirujanos, annual meeting of the ESCP and ASCRS, and participation in scientific publications.

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